Herb Profile: Oregano

Oregano, Origanum vulgar, O. marjoram, O. spp., Lamiaceae

A common kitchen spice used for anything from chicken to pizza to soup, oregano is also a powerful and useful medicine. Due to its strong antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic and antiseptic qualities oregano is great for fever management and candida. Oregano is also used to treat tinitus. As a antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory carminative herb, oregano is used to aid digestion and sooth the GI tract. Oregano is medicine for the lungs, helping move excess phlegm along and in general for respiratory infections, colds and flus. As a topically wash, oregano can be used to treat fungal infections of the skin.



Oregano can be used fresh or dry in cooking and made as a tea or tincture. Oregano can also be infused into oil to use topically or as a salad dressing.


Savory Calcium Sprinkle (from The Essential Herbal for Natural Health by Holly Bellebuono)

Sprinkle this calcium-rich blend over garlic toast, soup or bruschetta for a savory flavor.

Combine 3 tablespoons dried nettle, 3 tablespoons dried oregano, 2 tablespoons dried savory, 2 tablespoons fennel seeds, 3 tablespoons celery seeds and 3 tablespoons dill seeds and store them in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. This blend has a shelf life of four months.






The information on this page has not been approved by the FDA. Please consult your healthcare practitioner before using herbal products. We do not endorse the websites linked to in the resources and have not extensively reviewed all the information on external pages for accuracy. Everyone reacts differently to herbs and we do not attempt to be completely inclusive in the information and contraindications for each herb.